Get Motivated During Midterms!

Get Motivated During Midterms!

By Monica Kucera

It’s that time of year! Midterms are here! It’s easy to fall into a rut when you’re busy studying. The last thing you want to do is get up and go to the gym. It shouldn’t have to be like, “Ugh so I guess I’ll go workout.” No, you should use working out to your advantage as a way to take a break from studying and de-stress yourself.

Here are some ways to ease the midterm blues without stressing yourself out even more.

  • Music – And how do we incorporate music with working out? Go to zumba! Zumba classes, in my opinion, are a phenomenal way to get your mind off things and just dance like nobody is watching. Because, really, nobody is watching you dance in this class, I swear. Nobody here is dancing for David Guetta’s music video, so there’s no need for shame. Just get your groove on girlfriend!
  • Laugh – Seriously, sometimes nothing is funnier than people-watching at the gym. Go there, grab an elliptical and get a good laugh (..In your head, that is, let’s not be rude ladies). Let’s see – – The guys who try to lift more than they really can (good one), or the guys who stop and try to hide that they’re checking themselves out in the mirror (nice try), or  the girls who show up in leggings with their hair down acting like they’re interested in getting sweaty (who are you fooling?)
  • Boxing – I thought I was an idiot showing up for this class. Even if you don’t know how to box, the instructor will teach you. And let me tell you, there is no better way to get your stress out than punching the life out of something. Challenge yourself! Do something different!
  • Go for a walk – Grab your roomie and take a few laps around the block. It’s not exactly a 45-minute sweat session at The Ray, but it’s better than sulking in your books with a bag of salty Pita Chips.
No matter what you choose to do, don’t let midterms be the downfall of your working out routines. Click here for the group fitness classes at the Ray Meyer Fitness Center on campus.
Good luck!
How do you de-stress? Email me with tips, questions, concerns and feedback, please!

One Final Solution

One Final Solution

By Monica Kucera

If you’ve been consistently reading my blog, you’ll obviously know all the setbacks I’ve had in an effort to get fit. Let’s see- Cinco De Mayo celebrations, birthday parties, drinking, going out to eat, etc., all which are hurdles I’ve gotten over one way or another. However, there’s been a constant struggle I haven’t seem to fight. You’ll probably be surprised to hear I have high cholesterol.

For someone who’s an active athlete, works out, eats healthy and knows more fit tips than the average 20-year-old girl, how is it even possible I have high cholesterol? For starters, apparently this issue runs in my family, (figures). It also doesn’t help that I’m dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, formerly known as PCOS, which doesn’t do any justice for losing weight, either.

So, I’ve tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, every fad diet, omega 3 pills, oatmeal every morning, etc., all in an effort to try to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. Well, clearly nothing worked.

I’ve come up with a final solution. And, at this point if this doesn’t work, I seriously don’t know what will. I know I have the positive swag along with my name, but I’m going into this next phase with doubt.

And what’s my solution? I’m starting personal training sessions. I need to consistently work with someone one on one who’s going to light a fire under my ass and give me the tools to eat right. If I’m going to bust my butt three days a week working out, I’m definitely not going to ruin it by eating horribly.

Despite setbacks, though, you should never doubt your strength. You can make anything happen if you work at it.

Here’s to one last shot!!

Do you have high cholesterol? What do you do to stay healthy? Email me at with any feedback, please!

Secrets to Success

Secrets to Success

By Monica Kucera

I’ve written a few times about secrets to getting fit and losing weight and finding your motivation in doing so.  At the end of the day, you need to do what’s best for yourself– and doing whatever you’re doing for you.

Everybody’s got their own opinion and plan for secrets to success, but you need to remember that everyone’s body reacts differently to different plans, and you need to do whatever works best for you.

Losing weight doesn’t have to be at the cost of spending money on pills or jeopardizing your health by going to the extreme of starving yourself. Everyone seems to want to try the latest diet fad, but at the end of it all it’s probably best to stick to the good ole basics. You need to keep in mind there are ways of losing weight and getting in shape that are manageable and achievable.

1) Nobody said it was easy. You’re not going to achieve ANY goal unless you have the right mindset. The best support you’ll get is yourself. If you don’t commit to losing weight, it’s not going to happen. This always seems to be my problem- I’ll work my butt off for a couple weeks and celebrate my success by a night of partying and going out with girlfriends. Really? That’s not going to get you anywhere. Sometimes achieving your goal means making sacrifices. You can’t always get the best of both worlds.

2) Having a realistic mindset. I believe this is key to weight loss. Sorry, but you can’t just obtain a Victoria Secret model’s body at the end of your journey. Everyone has different body types and yours isn’t going to change. If you’re short, have a big ass and curvy hips like me, you’re always going to be short, have a big ass and curvy hips. You can’t set a goal to to look like the models you see in magazines — Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not going to happen. (No offense)

3) Being healthy takes time. You have to be smart when it comes to losing weight. Don’t do something drastic by cutting a ton of calories or make an obligation to eat celery for the next week. Because you know you won’t follow through with it. Take a look at different food plans and choose the one that’s best for you and just stick with it. Take it slow and just stay committed. It’s going to take some time to see results but you know in the end it’ll be worth it.

Now that it’s a new school year for most of us, or whatever the case is for you, find a plan and stick with it. Always remember you can do it and commitment will bring success!

Any questions, concerns or tips? Email me @! ANY feedback is encouraged. 

Setting Goals for the School Year

Setting Goals for the School Year

By Monica Kucera

It’s easy to lose sight of your fitness and health goals over the summer when there are other distractions that seem more appealing. Who wants to take a break from laying in to sun to get up and go lift weights and sweat at the gym? Exactly. On top of that, with more free time comes more opportunity to meet up with those people you haven’t seen in awhile to catch up. Hence, going out to eat and gorging on food you shouldn’t be eating. But, at some point you need to ask, when is enough, enough?

I definitely jumped off the healthy bandwagon these past few months. Once school ended, it was easy to lose sight of my goals when my schedule was thrown off whack from starting my internship and moving home. But now since school is starting up again shortly, it’s time to set new goals for myself in order to stay healthy.

I signed up for a month long, 3-day a week boot camp with my cousin. It’s great to have someone there for you to help motivate

My cousin Val & I
My cousin Val & I

and keep you on track. I know this class will kick my booty, but I need it in order to get back in shape.

My goal is to strictly eat healthy again while taking these boot camp classes. Also, since my 21st birthday is November 14th, I’m going to use that as an excuse to lay off the booze a bit until I’m actually legal.

It’s great to set goals for yourself because it’s a good way to get motivated and center your focus on something. “You need to be your main cheerleader. It’s up to you to believe in yourself and to take care of yourself, because if you don’t, then who will?” SELF magazine says.. And I couldn’t agree more!

What’s YOUR goal??  Think about it and set one for yourself. The season is changing and so should you. Think of your goal and make it a point to stick with it!

Comments or feedback? Let me know! Email me at or tweet me @CurvyGirlGuide. 

I’ll Take That To Go, Please

I’ll Take That To Go, Please

By Monica Kucera

Wake up late? Rushing? Don’t have time to eat? As a college student, these scenarios are not uncommon since sleeping is one of the most valued parts of my life. About 85% of the time I wake up early enough to make breakfast because it is definitely my favorite meal of the day, but, there are those days when I’m rushing and in a jam on what to eat.

So, when you wake up late, rush or do not have time to make breakfast, here are the best solutions to grabbing something on the go.

Overall, do not skimp out on breakfast. You need it to fuel your body and if you skip you’ll probably end up overeating later in the day. Your metabolism slows if you skip meals, so try to eat something. According to Women’s Health, “Try a mix of lean protein with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.” For example, if you have time to cook, opt for eggs with a side of oatmeal or whole grain toast.
How To Avoid Your Roommates’ Junk Food

How To Avoid Your Roommates’ Junk Food

By Monica Kucera 

We all have those friends who God blessed with the fastest metabolisms ever which allow them to literally consume anything without gaining a pound, and they somehow stay skinny. So unfair, right? Well, I live with two of them.

I can go shopping and have no problem avoiding the notorious cookie aisle and stock up on fruits and veggies, occasionally I’ll allow myself to get those whole grain Wheat Thins, but only when they’re on sale.

So here I am feeling all confident with my purchases only to come home and find my roommates’ Nutella, candy jars, tortilla chips and cornbread awaiting my dieting fate.

This makes life so difficult.

But, there are ways to avoid the junk without feeling sorry for yourself. “The key is to rig your surroundings for success,” Jillian Michaels says. That’s exactly what you have to do.

Place all of your healthy food in plain sight for when you open your fridge. That way the first thing you notice is the healthy stuff instead of the bad stuff. You obviously can’t throw away your roommates’ food, but you can move stuff around so it’s not incredibly tempting.

Even though it’s tempting to grab the bad stuff, remember why you’re eating healthy in the first place. Whether it’s an effort to become more healthy, feel better, look good in a bathing suit or anything else, use that as your

My Lovely Roommates

motivation. It takes discipline to eat right and it’s hard to avoid the things we all love, but it will be worth it in the end.

Chances are you aren’t even hungry, so before grabbing the junk you need ask yourself, “Do I need this?” After contemplating with yourself, you’ll probably realize you don’t want it.

This is probably the best advice I’ve gotten from SELF Magazine about senseless eating. “Imagine 1 is starving and 10 is full, and aim to eat at a 4, when your stomach feels fairly empty but not clanging with hunger pangs.”

Do this before you decided to grab your roommates’ food.

Last thing, don’t feel bad about not being able to eat what your roommates’ eat. Everybody’s body is different and you should embrace the way you look and be happy that you’re making an effort to be healthy.

How To Overcome a Running Plateau

How To Overcome a Running Plateau

By Monica Kucera

Back in the day when I played soccer, at the end of practice we raced each other from one goal post to the other. Once you won you were exempt from future races. Well, at the end of the season it was me and this big, overweight kid left. Really? I thought to myself, “If I don’t beat this kid then I should just quit at sports altogether because this is just.. sad.”

Well, thankfully I won.

Anyway, clearly I’m not a runner. I’m not fast, I’ve never been fast, and I’ve never been able to run a mile faster than 8:39. The thing is, though, I like running. I love running for fun when I’m not in competition with anybody else.

I have “run a half marathon” on my bucket list and I seriously plan to accomplish that one day. That’s why I am signing up for my first 10k. My best friend is joining me, which is great, because now I have a running buddy.

The biggest issues I have are stopping running when I feel tired, hit the 15 minute mark, or just start feeling lazy so I’ll walk. Well, not today! My friend Lauren, who is doing the 10k with me, suggested we start training today. Our goal was to run three miles on the treadmill at a nine or 10 minute pace.

Well, I’ve honestly never ran three straight miles on the treadmill, or accomplished more than about 15 minutes of straight running altogether, so I was a little nervous that I couldn’t do it.

I’m happy to report that I did accomplish that goal, and exceeded it. I ended up running 3.5 miles in 30 minutes.

Thankfully, Fitness Magazine provides its readers with marathon and race guides that are easy and manageable to follow. I want to use their guide while training for this 10k.

Trust me, I know how difficult it is to train your body to grasp a better stamina. I’m going to tell you, it’s not easy, and it’s not going to happen overnight. It’s only up to you to make it happen and you have to be fully committed if you want to become better.

A tidbit of advice I’ll say is to buy the Nike+ device. I’m not even exaggerating when I say this simple thing motivated me to run more than anything! It calculates your pace, distance and calories burned while on your workout. A voice will even let you know when you reach your halfway mark if you set a distance goal. It’s so cool because it makes you want to reach your goal and just to get out and run in general. I highly highly recommend this to anybody who wants to get started running.

If you feel like you’ve hit  a plateau, you’d be amazed what will happen if you just get out there and push yourself. I never thought I’d see myself registering for a 10k or even wanting to run a half marathon.

Become a good runner. Do it for your health. It’s possible. I promise.

My running buddy!
My running buddy!

What’s your motivation? I love hearing new tips and suggestions to staying on track with working out. Email me at or tweet me @goalsforgals.